Your source for Pre-Owned Logging and Roadbuilding Equipment
Contact us for all your logging equipment needs.
Browse Our Inventory
2015 Link-Belt 350X2RBW "Road Builder" Hydraulic Excavator2015 Link-Belt 350X2RBW "Road Builder" Hydraulic Excavator
2020 Canadian Maritime Engineering 18' "Super Winder" Boom Boat2020 Canadian Maritime Engineering 18' "Super Winder" Boom Boat
2001 Kenworth T800B T/A Truck Tractor & 1996 Aspen LB50 Tri Axle Lowbed Trailer2001 Kenworth T800B T/A Truck Tractor & 1996 Aspen LB50 Tri Axle Lowbed Trailer
2017 Caterpillar 988K "Millyard Machine" Wheel Loader2017 Caterpillar 988K "Millyard Machine" Wheel Loader
Custom Built 15' Shallow Draft Sidewinder Boom BoatCustom Built 15' Shallow Draft Sidewinder Boom Boat
2001 Caterpillar 980G "Forest Machine" Wheel Loader2001 Caterpillar 980G "Forest Machine" Wheel Loader
1997 Finning Rockmaster RTD-528 Hydraulic Rock Drill1997 Finning Rockmaster RTD-528 Hydraulic Rock Drill
Meet Tim Lloyd
For over 30 years, Forestech has provided equipment brokerage services, specializing in the sale of used logging and roadbuilding equipment commonly used by coastal logging contractors across the Pacific Northwest.
Originally founded by his father, Jon, Tim Lloyd joined Forestech in 2003 to consolidate the Vancouver Island operation, bringing his solid business acumen and marketing skills to the company.
Forestech has continued to thrive over the years because of Tim’s unique ability to assist clients in the purchase and sale of used logging equipment. He constantly monitors the availability, replacement cost, and sale history of this equipment in order to provide his clients with the latest market data on used equipment values.
Forestech Newsfeed
There’s always something going on at Forestech.
Need an additional service truck for your next project? We will multiple units coming available for purchase this week! Here are the details on this first unit:
2008 Ford F-550XL Regular Cab 4X4 Service Truck c/w: V10 gas engine, automatic transmission, cloth seats with covers, 2009 TK Truckbody Canada M573 service body with four cabinets either side, hydraulic crane with wired remote, Lincoln Electric Ranger 305G gas welder, Devilbliss TASE-5030 compressor powered by Honda GX390 gas engine with two overhead tanks, rear mounted vice. 162,653 KM
Truck is certified until October 2023. $37,500
Call or DM for additional information. #ford #superduty #servicetruck #servicetruckmafia #mechanicstruck #forsale #newlisting #fordtrucks #fieldmechanic #fordtough #forestechequipment #vancouverisland #forestrymachinery #forestryequipment #bcconstruction #bcforestry #bcroadbuilders #westcoastroadbuilders #constructionequipment #lincolnelectric #welder #hydrauliccrane #aircompressor #hondapower
Warm late spring weather on Vancouver Island this week to get out and watch some Madill forestry equipment in action! Rebuilt 1986 Madill 122 swing yarder working with a 2004 Madill 3800C log loader equipped with Southstar QS605 grapple processor. #bclogging #bcforestry #vancouverisland #vancouverislandforestry #vancouverislandlogging #westcoastlogging #westcoastloggers #steepslopelogging #highleadlogging #madill #madillforestryequipment #forestryequipment #forestechequipment #logloader #processor #southstar #grappleprocessor #detroitpowered #swingyarder #grappleyarder #yarding
1988 Cypress 7280C grapple yarder off loaded at Duncan Bay Barge Terminal and getting ready to venture up the hill and into our yard. Need additional yarding power for your next job? Additional information and pictures of this unit are available on our website. #yarder #swingyarder #grappleyarder #cypress7280 #forsale #forestryequipment #forestechequipment #steepslopeloggging #cumminspowered #bcloggers #bclogging #bcforestry #vancouverislandlogging #vancouverislandforestry #vancouverisland #hauler #westcoastlogging #grapple #loggrapple #highleadlogging #yarding
I hear that this is a new brand of equipment coming to North America. I wonder if they will make forestry equipment? 🤣😂😂 #juandeere #jokes #fridayfunny #johndeere #mexico #cabosanlucas #forestechequipment #greenandyellow #forestryequipment #fellerbuncher #roadbuilder #deerepower #forestry #forestryfeedsmyfamily #bcforestry #bclogging #vancouverislandlogging #vancouverislandforestry #westcoastlogging #bcloggers #westcoastloggers #loggingequipment
Inspection day on this 2014 Caterpillar 329EL hydraulic excavator in Port Alberni. Glad the weather cooperated and we didn’t get soaked!! #caterpillar #caterpillarexcavator #caterpillarequipment #catyellow #constructionequipment #forestechequipment #excavator #mechanicalinspection #catpowered #hammer #hydraulichammer #npkhammer #vancouverisland #vancouverislandbc #portalberni #portalbernibc #worktools #propertydevelopment #residentialdevelopment #construction #bcconstruction
2001 Madill 2850 log loader equipped with 2013 Waratah HYH623C processing head all shined up and ready to go and process some wood. Need a log loader mounted processor on a budget for your next job? Have a look at this machine. Additional information and pictures on our website at #processor #logprocessor #logloader #shovellogger #processing #madill #madillforestryequipment #waratah #waratahforestry #harvesting #forestryfeedsmyfamily #forestryequipment #2850 #623c #bcforestry #bclogging #vancouverislandlogging #vancouverislandforestry #westcoastlogging #bcloggers #logger #cummins #cumminspowered #redhead
Rebuilt 1986 Madill 122 grapple yarder broken down for transport and on its way to its next job via North Island Heavy Haul Lowbed Service. #yarder #grappleyarder #swingyarder #madill #madillforestryequipment #forestryequipment #forestechequipment #detroitpowered #series60 #highleadlogging #transportation #heavyequipment #heavyhaul #heavyhauler #heavyhaulmafia #lowbed #lowbedmafia #lowbedtrailer #pacesetter #pacesettertrailers #westernstar #westernstartrucks #vancouverisland #soldandloaded #bcforestry #bclogging #steepslopelogging
Need a boom boat that can operate in shallow tidal booming grounds? Rendell 15’ shallow draft boom boat just listed for sale with Forestech! Equipped with front and rear tow posts, half cab, dual windshield wipers, cab lights, cab heater, 4-53 engine and Olympic hydro drive. $24,500.00 DM or visit our website for additional information and pictures. #boomboat #logbronc #sidewinderboomboat #sidewinder #boat #workboat #rendell #gmpower #hydrodrive #logsorting #marine #453 #twostroke #forestryequipment #forestechequipment #booming #sorting #vancouverisland #vancouverislandlogging
New listing this week: 2014 Caterpillar 329EL hydraulic excavator 9,400 hours. Equipped with NPK H10XB hydraulic hammer, two Cat dig buckets, Cat 66” clean up bucket, Cat manual quick coupler, Cat hydraulic thumb, aux. hyd., hoe front, FOPS, rear view camera, catwalks, under guarding, standard undercarriage with 28” double bar pads. $119,500.00 Call or DM for additional information. #newlisting #caterpillar #caterpillarequipment #catyellow #catexcavator #forsale #hammer #hydraulichammer #npkhammer #excavator #329el #forestechequipment #constructionequipment #roadbuildingequipment #heavyequipment #civilconstruction #propertydevelopment #vancouverisland #vancouverislandbc #digger #rockhammer
Big shout out to Far North Contracting for giving us a hand last week with some property development expertise, trucking, material placement and installation! It is much appreciated and thanks for the excellent job as usual!! #linkbelt #linkbeltexcavator #lbx #westernstar #westernstardumptruck #westernstartrucks #dumptruck #rock #shotrock #roadbuilding #forestechequipment #farnorthcontracting #campbellriver #campbellriverbc #campbellriverbusiness #vancouverisland #propertydevelopment #bcconstruction #civilconstruction
Rebuilt 1986 Madill 122 swing yarder broken down into two loads and ready for transport on North Island Heavy Haul Lowbed Service trucks. I am glad the weather decided to play nice and make it a somewhat easy day! #madill #yarder #swingyarder #grappleyarder #madillforestryequipment #loggingequipment #forestryequipment #forestechequipment #westernstar #westernstartrucks #4900 #pacesettertrailers #pacesetter #lowbed #lowbedmafia #heavyhaul #heavyhaulmafia #lowboy #lowboytrailer #lowbeddersunited #transportation #logistics #vancouverisland #vancouverislandlogging #vancouverislandforestry #mesachielake #lakecowichan
The rain and clouds broke long enough to catch this Wagner L130? log stacker unloading trucks last week. It is always a treat to watch these machines unload trucks and trailers in one pass! #stacker #logstacker #wagner #logloader #logs #logsorting #drylandsort #bcforestry #bclogging #westcoastlogging #forestry #logging #vancouverisland #vancouverislandlogging #vancouverislandforestry #bcloggers #logger #logtruck #logtrucks #forestechequipment #forestryequipment #loggingequipment
Need a mid sized excavator on a budget for your next project? Check out this 2006 Hitachi ZX160LC hydraulic excavator just consigned for sale with Forestech Equipment. Equipped with 54” BMI clean up bucket, BMI quick coupler, BMI hydraulic thumb, aux. hydraulic (plumbed for thumb and hammer) hoe front, BMI cab guard, catwalks, standard undercarriage with 28” triple bar pads. 9,534 hours. $62,500 CAD. DM, call or visit our website at for additional information and pictures. #excavator #hitachinorthamerica #hitachi #hitachiexcavator #zx160lc #newlisting #forsale #hitachiconstruction #hitachiconstructionmachinery #bmi #isuzupower #orange #constructionequipment #forestechequipment #vancouverisland #campbellriver #bcconstruction #vancouverislandconstruction #civilconstruction
Need an forestry excavator that can perform multiple roles within your company? 2011 John Deere 2954D “Road Builder” hydraulic excavator just consigned for sale with Forestech Equipment. Equipped with Rotobec 45” grapple and heel rack, Accurate 45” dig bucket, Accurate 66” clean up bucket, quick coupler, hydraulic thumb, forestry cab on 8” riser, forestry guarding package with aux. fuel tank, highwalker undercarriage w/ 28” double bars pads. 14,551 hours. $92,500 CAD. DM or call for additional information. #excavator #forestryexcavator #roadbuilder #johndeere #deeresighting #deerepower #rotobec #rotobecgrapple #grapple #forestryequipment #loggingequipment #bclogging #bcforestry #forestrymachine #forestmachine #bcroadbuilding #bcroadbuilders #westcoastroadbuilders #forestechequipment #2954d #hoechucking
2013 Caterpillar 336EL Hydraulic Excavator
SMU: 10,770.1 hours. Machine is parked.
c/w: 42” CWS HD dig bucket with four teeth, Cat 68” clean up bucket with BOCE, Cat manual quick coupler, Cat hydraulic thumb, aux. hydraulic, hoe front, WBM cab guard, rear view camera, catwalks, ProHeat thermal system, rig saver rev limiter system, under guarding, standard undercarriage with 34” triple bar pads.
Second owner. Machine is work ready! $142,500.00 CAD #excavator #caterpilllar #caterpillarexcavator #caterpillar336 #caterpillarconstruction #constructionequipment #forsale #roadbuilding #roadconstructionequipment #roadconstruction #bcconstruction #excavatorforsale #catpowered #excavators #forestechequipment #vancouverisland #vancouverislandbc #forestryequipment #forestryroadbuilding
One final test drive of the Caterpillar D300E articulated dump truck before going to meet the lowbed! #testdrive #testdrivebeforeyoubuy #dumptruck #articulateddumptruck #offhighway #caterpillar #caterpillarequipment #catpowered #constructionequipment #bcconstruction #civilconstruction #roadbuilding #bcroadbuilders #forestechequipment #sold #campbellriver #campbellriverbc #vancouverisland #forestryroadbuilding
New listing this week: 2013 Caterpillar 336EL hydraulic excavator 10,770 hours. Equipped with 42” CWS HD dig bucket, 68” Caterpillar clean up bucket, Caterpillar quick coupler, Caterpillar hydraulic thumb, aux. hydraulic, WBM cab guard, rear view camera, catwalks, Proheat thermal system, rig saver, under guarding, standard undercarriage with 34” triple bar pads. Call or DM for additional information and pricing. #excavator #caterpillar #caterpillarequipment #constructionequipment #bcconstruction #catequipment #336e #weldcobeales #roadbuilding #roadbuildingequipment #bcroadbuilders #civilconstruction #propertydevelopment #vancouverisland #vancouverislandforestry #vancouverislandroadbuilding #catpowered #forsale #newlisting #canyoudigit #excavators #forestechequipment
It was a gorgeous night to get Northside Transport all loaded up with this Caterpillar 568 “Road Builder”
hydraulic excavator last week. Despite our best intentions, some loads go on to the lowbed deck easier than others. Thank you for your patience and professionalism Northside Transport Lowbed Service through all the curve balls and weather being throw at us. #lowbed #lowbedding #heavyhaul #heavyhaulage #heavyhaulmafia #lowboy #lowboytrailer #kenworth #kenworthtrucks #w900 #cummins #cumminspowered #pacesetter #pacesettertrailers #lowboytrailer #caterpillar #caterpillarequipment #caterpillarforestry #roadbuilder #excavator #forestryequipment #forestechequipment #catpowered #catyellow #loaded #loadedup #campbellriver #campbellriverbc #vancouverisland
5791 Duncan Bay Rd
Campbell River, BC V9H 1N6
Phone: (250) 703-3551